Cerca Risultati

KKDC France, Paris Office Now Open
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The City of Light
Luxury leather card holder from KKDC Italy
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Made in Italy
Edition 189 of 'Office Layout' Magazine featuring KKDC projects
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Italian Magazine Feature
New KKDC workspace and showroom opens in New Zealand
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Light on Wanaka
New Office Opens in Taiwan
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KKDC Taipei
Innovation moves to the countryside
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UK Assembly
Introducing the KKDC Café Bangkok, Thailand.
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KKDC Café, Bangkok, Thailand
KKDC New Zealand is proud to be associated with the Waterview Connection, Auckland, New Zealand.
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KKDC Auckland were part of Award winning project
KKDC England office were invited by AB Concept to supply LEDs to exhibit 'Fetish Follie' at the Sleep and Eat 2018.
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Fetish Follie (Sleep + Eat Event 2018)
KKDC Italy office were commissioned to illuminate ‘Moschino’ in Milan, Italy.
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Moschino, Italy
KKDC is pleased to announce the launch of KOH 40 series
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New KOH 40
The KKDC England team has moved.
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KKDC England New Office
KKDC are pleased to introduce new range of LED. n-line
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n-line: Full Spectrum LED
KKDC is happy to announce the opening of our new Auckland office in New Zealand.
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KKDC Auckland New Office
The KKDC Global sales family continues to expand with the opening of the Hong Kong sales office.
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KKDC Hong Kong Sales Office
KKDC London office.....
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KKDC England
KKDC Global are pleased to announce the opening of the Bangkok sales office.
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KKDC Bangkok Sales Office
45 Queen Street, Auckland...
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Land Marked By Lights
The new catalogue which features new product categories and pcb's is now available.
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KKDC New Products 2015 Catalogue
KKDC Global are pleased to announce the opening of their new Korea sales office in Seoul.
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KKDC Korea Sales Office
KKDC Global are pleased to announce the opening of the Tokyo sales office.
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KKDC Tokyo Sales Office